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February 5th, 1917 


Cer 1076237

Mary G Spink

Geo W Spink

Co D 2 RI Inft

Mr Shannery

Dear Sir

I am writing to Please try and get my Penison for I need it for I have to go out to work to get a honest living and I work so hard since Mr Spink died that I am getting work but he been dead going on 14 year and I am in my 79 year and sent about all the evnence[i] I can     I sent two death record and two Marrage record and now they me to send my divorce of 45 years ago and if Mr Spink was Marry more than once    if divorce I know nothor[ii] about his past life for he was a stranger to me when I went to keep house for him after his wife died      and I keep house 2 years and half and then we got Married But he told me never was Married But once and he live with her until she died     I did not know her I never so her I do not know who he Married nor when he was Married     now if you will interseed[iii] in trying to get my Penison I shall be so thankfull for I am all done in the world and I not able to Earn murch for I am get to old     Mr Henry Chase is trying to get my Penison     I need it so much for I need clothes But I do not Earn Enough to buy eny so I have depent on my Friends to give me there cast off clothes to wear      I have move for Reason abve     my address is 5 Mutual st Prov RI

Mary G Spink


[i] Evnence = Evidence

[ii] Nothor = Nothing

[iii] Interseed = Intercede

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