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November 6, 1892

PS-  When I have some            

pictures taken

will you exchange

with me


Pulaski City, VA

Nov 6 92




Miss Lydia
Remembered friend
        Your most highly appreciated letter recieved    Was truely glad to hear from you. Oh! yes I am haveing a very good time hope you are haveing a good time with the boys. but I have seen the letter Miss Laura P.  wrote Mr. Chas. Miller,  it she just give me particular fits. I will tell you some few things. She told him that a sertain girl was coming in the country and she

        hoped I would now  what would you do if you were in my place. I have not seen her since I saw the letter and as for being engaged to her is all a mistake     I will tell you the truth I never was engaged to any bod in my life    there is not many people three times even can say that. I tell you when I come to whare you said you made a terrible mash at Mr Richardson  it made me feel a little smaller than Tom Thum  and I guess how small he is well I felt still smaller but I went a little father  and you said

        Back at you and I got a little better     Oh if I could but believe it it was real how much better I would feel. Well Mr White  has been not watching for a letter from Hylton but it never come so he is on the sick list      you write lik you think Mr White and I are not comeing      if you and Miss Lura promise to keep them fellows [crossed-out] off of us while we are thare we will come rain snow hail or what not     we could face any thing to get to se your smiling countenance     just the thought would keep us warm. You wanted to know how Miss Grace  took it    I dont think she has took it at all or at least I have not herd nothing but just wait untill he get a letter from Hylton and then look out.

       You say you left your heart in Pulaski Can you tell me where to go to find it   I would not sleep a wink untill if find it if though it was not somebodys [crossed-out] besides mine but I shall live in hope     if I die in despair I intend to look for it but can you not give me some direction to find it 

Ed. R.  send his love with a smile just like when you told him you had an engagement for the opera     so I will close for this time from you Pulaski boy Ell 
Write soon



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