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December 18, 1895

Pulaski Va

Dec 18 1895


Miss Lydia, 


My Dearest Friend

      It is much pleasure I will try to answer your Kind and ever welcome letter to hand a few days since      I am glad you appreciate my letters to look forward to recieveing my letters I can say same back at you. Well if this  letter is full of mistake you must look over it. for a family of people has moved up over my office and the Kids seem to have a general frolic

      from the racket they are raising. Well, I am sorry to hear that some one broke in the store I hope that they will be caught. for Stealing is the worst thing at all almost in my eyes. I believe I would rather go to jail for Killing some body through a passion for then thare would be a little excuse. great deal of stealing going on here two some one stoled Joe over coat and one pair of pants off the  back porch      he is turible mad about it and Laura is scared almost to death      she is worse coward than ever. now so you must know she is bad off now

      you say you have been attending a protracted meeting, and would like for me to have been thare      well I would like to have been thare my selfe and you say you dont like to be with any body. like you do with me. that is my fix and I am glad it is so with us both for such should be the case when any contemplates what we have dont you think so. for to be happy the balance of their days it should be just that way and no other

      Lane has been trying his luck with you had he      Who was it he told if I did not take you two quick he was going to Court you him selfe      well I dont blame you for not going driveing with him then after he had made his brags we will just let him wait and see what will come to pass next spring or early  summer wont we      well do you remember what I wrote you some time ago about a young man wanted me to get morried and go to Atlanta with him      well they are to be awed This evening at 4 Oclock [crossed out  Ida 

      and my selfe are going. Well I look for Julia Hall to run off to day - her fellow from West Virginia is here and her parent are opposed. so I think they will slide off while Mr and Mrs Hall are gone to the wedding I spoke of  will give the particulars in my next. Dr Harmon still hold out we are Going to marry at once he will have to do like [crossed out]      Lane just wait and see what we are going to do. most of the people over here belive that we will be married xmas some time     

      I ment to say some time in xmas especial      one young man by the name of Massie      I Cant make him believe any- thing else he went off the other day      I asked him when he was comeing back and he said he would be x mas in time and so on and Dr wrote mMr Akers did he about giveing you up well I expect he almost told the truth didnt he for you are promised to sone else about the size of E- B-      how is that and Mr Akers is sad      well I cant blame him if I was in his fix I would be the same way my selfe.

      yes Albert has been to see Laura but I never saw him  I saw Laura the other day and asked her [crossed out] how was Floyd it made her blush some little      some time I think that they are something to gather (and as the little boy said) them again I dont know. Well xmas will soon be here just a week from to day. I expect it will be a bout the 27 or 28 before I can it get off to come as the people generaly get rough about xmas. as I am high police now      they will need more xmas than any other time    

      Well as it now one Oclock I will have to close if I get to the wedding will have some little fixing up to do and you know it take me some little time      I will close hopeing to hear from you real soon

   Your trues good boy 



PS- if I find I cant come when I said will let you know if can will come as soon as I can get off as I want to see you real bad



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