Wedding Certificates
Below are the wedding certificates for Barbara June and Fred Balarzs, two of the younger Balarzs siblings. From these we can get important dates of marriage and the names of their spouses, allowing us to fill out what we know about the family's lineage.

This is the marriage certificate for Robert Payton Evans (age 21) and Barbara June Balarzs (age 26), showing that they were married in Giles County, Virginia on December 22, 1956. It also shows us that Barbara was listed as a "restaurant owner," likely referring to "The Web" that is mentioned in Ernest's obituary as a family-owned restaurant.
This is the marriage certificate for Frederick Sigmond Balarzs (age 23) and Mary Ellen Hawthorne (age 21). It shows that they were married in Lunenburg County on June 16, 1956, coincidently the same year as Barbara June and Robert Evans were married.