Barbara Balarzs Transcriptions
In this part of the collection, we feature the letters and cards written by Barbara Bodnar Balarzs, wife of Sigmond Balarzs. It contains letters written from Barbara to her son, Ernest, along with his wife, Ruby, and daughter, Roben. In these letters, we can see some of her experiences during the time as well as her grandmotherly advice to Roben. This part of the collection also includes birthday and Easter cards from Barbara, wishing her family well. We have provided a letter-style transcription for each document, below a gallery containing all of the corresponding images. In addition, the gallery contains the text associated with each individual image. For a full line-by-line transcription of all the letters written by Barbara, a PDF is available for viewing as well.
Dear Ruby and Ernie
Receivd you nice card I injoy it and a 10 dollars buy me a pair of shoes with have a card from every one of my Children makes me feel Good to, the remember of me of writing letters tuday to all. Hope that you can stay on your job for a While yet I got a news from Gizella that Aunt Mary husband Charly is very sick. you send her a Card or letter I know is hard on her. Artur is that good for nothing instead make her or help. he just after her money. So its just double her trouble I dont have other news. here Allways the same. Nouw Roben honey mind your Mother and dad dont act Mean, or ruf you have to act like a little Lady
love you all and thanks for the money.
Mrs Barb. Balarzs
610 Stacy Court
Baltimore 4. md.
zip 21204
STAMP 2:[US 5ȼ]
Mr Mrs. Ernest Balarzs
7605 Saxon Drive
Huntsville, Alabama
Dear Erni Ruby and Roben.
Receivd you letter. and a Pictures in it.the are a very good pictures, I like it. you say buying ar muving in other house. Wish you a good luck with it, I wonder Many times that houw you all duing, no one writes me, a letter, I mean a letter to Mother, sometime I m very sorry, I whas so good to m.Give m. everithing I have I just Cant give money I never had to much of that, but I try to give m a Comfort, and have, du everything the ask me. Nouw here I m. nobody no Where, vell, Of Course can expect eather one m. to sets down and write after all, its Cust 6 cent a each stamp, and time to write, my self dont write eather so, Why I Complaining, dont feel vell any more, push my life and just exsist, cant go in a ground life so have to wait till time comes. Gess young people Dies to so that good, vill. when I whas in Cleveland aunt Marys husband died Joe and Alice came over Gizellas place, [] Joe been asking houw you duing, I dont say to much. beCause I dont know myself houw things goes whit you just say I gess hes allrigth making a living
Erni you Write him a fwe line, he is allrigth Not angry to no one he is a Good men. only thing he dont have a rigth kind a job. he is not telling me this Alice said his not satisfied What he is duing, vel Im Closing nouw you know I love My Children very much. the all the same to me,
Im Happy for little Roben douing vell in School try to help her With her home work Im sure Ruby helps her, A Child need a good quivt explanation, and she is only Child so why not than I know Ruby duz a best she Can, I try to tell some one what to du, and here I Can even spell words rigth. Vel forgive me if I. said something wrong.,
I love you all 3 of you
Roben Honey be a good little Girl mind your Mamie and dad, and you techers you going to be a smart girl when you Grows up, I love you Honey
Dear Ruby and Ernest, and Roben
feel like to write a fwe line for you, so far I. m allrigth just getting to feel a little better I gess I Going to have lots a more trouble with my legs and Blood sirculation, But like I say, I feel much better than about a month ago, I send Roben a valentine did She got it? it vas a money tree Card have dimes
in it, I wiss she send me a note and tell me She got it A Wheater here is Cold, and Start to snow, ve had a Pretty Cold vinter, around here, I wiss you all had a nice wheater and lots of good healt. Barbara been here for about 3 weeks. She Cold last week says a Boys getting a Chicken pucks. I bet she worring over them that is a Danger on Children Roben you wach you self so you dont have them kind of missles1, this all I can say nauw
take Care of you selfs. Write me sometime.
I love you al Mother,
Boldog születés napot Kiván E’des Anyáap
I love you to Ruby.
TRANSLATION: [Wishing you a happy birthday Sweet Mother]
My Dear Son Ernie
Congratulations and good luck on your Birthday.
I love you,
My Dear Ernest and
Dear Ruby and Dear Roben
Some little Easter Forget-me-nots With a line to say, “I like you lots!”
Happy Easter
from Mother
Dear My Children.
Ernie Ruby and Roben about time thanks for the nice Christmas Presents. mabe you come over sometime than I give you yours. I dont know if you know about Katko neni Jhon wife she died on new years day.
I can not go to the funeral because of the bad snow and weather I been a fraid that I got bad conection or stock on the way make trouble worrid to the family
I never feels good anymore awfull head aces and just everithing Houw is all of you Bob Kvit a tannery. nouw selling insurence, I love the hat and purse Ruby its very Pretty.
Send my love mother.
Roben will you make a good Grade, and just mind you mamie and dad than I love you
Grand ma
Dear Erni Ruby and Roben!
Receivd Both of you Pretty Cards. Thank you, Spesial Roben. thanks sweet hart about idi she is allrigth, he been ther to visit but not stay, he got to make up his mind I gess, I dont vorry about him, I just dont like to se idi get sick again. And Dear Joe I feel very very bad about him wish and Pray God he come better, and better Alice told Steve that same day hes allrigth where other day mabe not so good. I dont know if you heard about Katkó néni Old Unckle John Wife she Died Khristmas
New year day and bury her Jan 3 rd. and Tuday Jan. 14 th Dena Died in the morning in Powhatan. thats where why Alice Calld Steve. and Steve send flowers, for Dena. Poor Lonly men, So many hart ache. I feel very sorry for him to. He was a good friend to our family, vell we all have to go sometime I never feels good myself any more I have head Aches hard aches just everything but just have to live with itt
Love you all Mother
itt vas in Roanoke paper that Nasa. Going to drop 50 tossand men. I gess Juu Know about itt, Houw about you work? Nobody insured about ther job. Bob kvitt a taneryi and got a job is a insurece men.
My writing is very bad
hope you can read it

308 Hill Street
Narrows, Virginia
zip 24124
Mr.Mrs. Ernest Balarzs
303 Pawnee Trail
Huntsville Alabama
zip 35308
Another springtime fills the air, And that means time to say, You’re being wished an Easter That’s especially bright and gay!
Dear Ernie and Ruby and Roben
a Happy Easter to you all
With love
Dear Ernie Ruby and Roben.
I never write to no one this sumer, its nothing to bragg
about, I used to be better in writhing but nouw its just, like dont care, or sumthing. Mabe my old age I dont care of. amithing. I gess its my nerve to Vent to Cleveland, the funeral for Uncle Charly. from thér come to Powhatan, have the ground Cleand of. and survey, by a mens, is legall law.
Not make me feel good. because of all the Money I paid for everithing and not enjoyed it Baltimore is a hót City right nouw is 90. Houw are you Ruby this canning time you going to cann lots, Barbara said she have lots of tomatos
vel I gess she is busi to, I gess every bodi who have a little garden, try to save all the can Erni houw you like you new President Nixen,? I gess a people going madCraci, if the going to vote for him. something I dont spell good, just try to read whats this I dont have more to say in letter. I hope you all in good healt, Roben honey be a good little Girl
mind your mother and dad. than I love you for itt.
thinking of you so much. make me Cry.
Love Mother

Dear Ernie, Ruby, and Roben_
Receivd you letter I dont under- stand, a half of itts, you writing ar very mix, anyway I try to read it best {c} I can, you said comeing over for trout fissing,I be glad to see you, you cant take Roben out of school, sure not, mabe sumer time I see m all. You Calld idi, I hope things Turn out a best for her, but I think he never going to be a Honest men. too life, he have something wrong whit him, his mind .is. circle around,
I never liked his way, hes after something big all the time never got it in his mind that he just a poor men, Oh is so můch to see about him a time he du good things and Pretty soon he is different
I.m Happy for Joe getting feeling better, I whas just sick over him been sick,
Here is evry body is vell but Rogers wife she is in the Hospital whit some kind of skin rees1 itch an all over her budy, I never see things like that Doctors try to fund out what cause it. I . dont have any more, news nouw the weather getting to be warmer and helps lots of people with fleue now I say by.
Kiss Ruby and Roben for me.
and I love you all.
25B 80-1
It’s your birthday!
And here’s whOO’s wishing
YOU a happy one!!
My Dear Son Ernie
Love you Dear!